The Second Week of this project started off with me making the blockout for the level, using different shapes to make the corridors and floors and stairs that the player will go through. Along with this, I also used blueprint tutorials courtsey of UCLan to follow from in my project. This allowed me to create defeatable enemies I placed, and a blueprint for a line to be shot, acting similarly to a gun to shoot with. With the blockout done, the last thing to complete was the Youtube video which is part of the brief, which acts as documentation.
This blog was written during my studies at the University Of Central Lancashire to catalogue and archive my development of the various projects I worked on.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
XB2001 Unreal Engine Level Blockout Week 2
XB2001 UE4 Blockout Week 1
THis next project set on November 5 is all about creating a scenario where the player has to escape from an enemy, being chased in the process. In this case, the player is pursued by platoon of sword-wielding guards as they escape a kingdom. For the first week of this project, I mainly focused on the written aspects for the brief, answering the questions that were to make for a good framework, and to be something to think about as the level was blocked out.
On top of this, I also created a map in Paint Tool SAI to act as a plan for my work, and as a template I would implement in Unreal Engine 4 while constructing the block-out.
Monday, November 16, 2020
Assignment 3 XB2001
The third assignment that I had to complete was to create an entire concept for a game that would fit onto one A4 page in Microsoft Word. The rest of the class did the same and we would have to pitch each one in a vote for whos should be made into a game. My concept was a game about a steampunk robot fighting back against the uprise of the digital age of technology. While it didn't win any votes I was still satisfied with the idea I had put to paper.
XB4406: MA Games Design: This Way Up!: Extra Background Card Designs
My next step with This Way Up! was to implement different card backgrounds, based on the importance and severity of some of the objects in ...

For the second week of the brief, I cokpleted the next part of the required material, which was the blockout itself. Blocking out the level...
With all the assets for the Powerpoint completed, our group presented to a warm reception. I started the presentation off by giving the tit...